August presents us with the kind of turbulence that seems to threaten our ability to stay the course. the heat of Leo season can play tricks on us yet. stay hydrated and remember that slow and steady makes it through the chaos.

different songs always intuitively come to me when I am pulling for each sign, so this month, I made a lil playlist - check it out! if you find it amusing, I might keep sending them your way.

leo & leo rising

the star / sacred sexuality

since Saturn entered Aquarius in 2020, you’ve been put through the wringer, confronted possibly numerous times by limitations, obstacles, and big ol’ fat NOs. you may be sensing that this is Saturn’s final retrograde through this sign before moving on to upset the mutables in February. maybe you’re recognizing where this process has refined you - where your inner rawness has been tumbled into a fine gemstone, falseness chiseled away to reveal authentic radiance. what within you yearns for your reconnection now? what calls upon you to shine your abundant light forth? as you step into this new light, consider the impact this journey has had on your most sacral energies. what within your sexual self asks to be reclaimed or honored now? spend some time this month tending to any roughness or harm that has been caused here and redraw boundaries as you see fit.

virgo & virgo rising

the moon / the observer

as the sun moves through your private realm, it might be wise to spend this month tending to your mental health and your sense of well-being. where is your imagination shifting into overdrive? what do you need to be able to take a step back and assess yourself with objectivity and grace? you tend to want to solve problems before giving yourself compassion for having them in the first place. if you’re reaching new levels of anxiety in this astrologically turbulent time, it’s necessary to slow down the car and take your time moving through the fog. what you are able to observe within your imaginal realms this month will allow you to reattune your intuition and carry you along safely before you finally get the green light you’ve been waiting for.

libra & libra rising

eight of cups / love

everyone says your heart is on your sleeve, and this month may have you taking in the cuff a bit. you give a lot, perhaps more than you get in return, and this month asks you to take an honest assessment of how love is operating with your life now. do you give to others out of fear of your own deserving? do you give yourself as much as you give to the ones you love? do you chase love that doesn’t chase you back? checking in with the relationships that genuinely support you and give you what you need creates an invitation to walk away from the ones that leave you high and dry. walking away from LOVE in its many forms may trigger worry within you, but trust that the decisions you make now will free you up for more divine and aligned love to come your way.

scorpio & scorpio rising

the devil / the explorer

voted most likely to transform in 2022 and live to tell the tale, it’s time to step out of your regularly scheduled programming to get a better look at where the system still has its hold on you. perhaps the Explorer sounds a little more appropriate for your Sag neighbors than for your calculated approach to things, but this exercise asks you first and foremost to change the way you see the word, and the world, itself. you see, exploration requires some sacrifice - now we’re speaking your language - for to see things from new perspectives means we need to step out of the old ones, and even consider letting them go. the more you are able to let go and explore this month, the more you might become aware of how good ol’ patriarchy is still breathing down your back and encouraging stagnancy. try something new this month - a new route, a new challenge, a new strategy - and watch old shackles fall away.

sagittarius & sagittarius rising

wheel of fortune / ascension

your ruler Jupiter makes its way through retrograde and once again, the great Wheel turns. it’s time to buckle up, Sag, because it’s time for take off. you’ve been expanding this year, learning new spiritual lessons and exploring creative possibilities while your ruler has journeyed through the end, and the beginning, of the zodiac. as he travels slowly now, take a breath and consider what efforts you’ve made that are ready to graduate to the next level. what hard work is ready to be celebrated now? and what of this process calls on you to be integrated no? don’t sell yourself short as you set the bar for where this work can take you next - but to remember the lessons of Icarus, and make sure you ground yourself before you float too close to the sun.

capricorn & capricorn rising

page of cups / the universe

new possibilities emerge this month, taking the shape of surfacing instincts, emotions, talents, and connections. while you’re usually inclined to take charge and get to work on grounding incoming ideas, this month requests that you engage in a bit of trust in the universe when it comes to the timing and the execution. source wants you to know that there is something happening behind the scenes for you at this time, and even though she knows you can rarely stand the unknown, she also knows that the universe is conspiring in your favor in ways you can’t even imagine now. know that for the incoming to begin, the universe is preparing to tie up loose ends to allow an outgoing cycle to come to a close. trust yourself and your alignment.

aquarius & aquarius rising

the empress / patience

you’ve played host to your traditional ruler Saturn for quite some time now, which means the word patience has probably lost all meaning for you - however, I hope that you’ve been able to bear witness to the fine garden you’ve been able to grow since Saturn started bickering with you about how to till the soil. it takes years of refinement to embody the Empress - to stand firm on the earth of your diligent tending, to have enough bounty and resource to give freely to others, to play host to living creatures small and large and wild and free. to be a foundation upon which resilient beauty can thrive. though you have faced some resistance and challenge in these two+ years, your time to flow approaches. in the meantime, take steps to calm your nerves and to measure the growth you’ve made.

pisces & pisces rising

the emperor / versatility

we all want to be the boss, until we realize that being the boss comes with a shit ton of responsibility. nobody thinks about the unglamorous side of rulership: the resistance that comes from the outside as well as within our own circles toward our initiatives, the frustration that comes with a failure to externalize visions & goals, the loss of faith that comes with criticism and negative reviews. while efforts are made to thwart your progress this month, Pisces, you’re asked to get clever about how you can re-route your energy toward what is ready to move and flow. in due time, the path will clear and your current efforts will move forward, but until then, use this month to get wise about the nooks and crannies you can clear up in the meantime. the flexibility you show now will be rewarded with the success you crave.

aries & aries rising

queen of wands / take risk

if you’ve been reading along for the past few months, you’ve been listening to me gently assure you that the time to launch would soon come. Aries, these cards are an invitation to step on the gas and get the f*ck on the road. all this nursing the Chiron wound in your sign has reminded you of the infinite capacity you have within you to rise, rise, rise up again from the flames. challenge is relative, and you’re recognizing how strong you’ve become in facing material you previously thought yourself incapable of overcome. time to revisit that list you’ve set out to tackle and consider what you’re ready to throw yourself into without remorse. assess the fears that block your next horizon of exploration and conjure up the magic to help you blow past them in style.

taurus & taurus rising

ten of wands rev. / the wildling

we’re always impressed with your ability to balance the world on your sturdy shoulders, but this month invites you to put down whatever burdens are no longer yours to carry, or to delegate what can be done by someone else so that you can free up a little energy. hilarious, I know, thinking of you willingly putting down the responsibility you’ve so diligently carried, but you’ve likely felt inclinations of this energy with Mars creeping up to Uranus and the north node in your sign. allow this surge of unpredictable energy to pull you out of stagnant habits and open you up to the primal energy within you. what rawness have you had to surrender to carry this weight, and how might you invite it back into your flow now? the systems that we seek to change are no match for the imprints of lifetimes in nature that summon you from the either.

gemini & gemini rising

queen of cups / withdraw

social butterfly, it’s time to seek out emotional comfort now and use those “get out of parties free” cards you’ve been saving up for a sleepy day. while chatting out your feelings may be par for your course of self-understanding, you may find yourself nurturing those unknowns in a quieter, more internal form this month, relying more on your own intuition & instincts at this time rather than depending on the input or validation of others. perhaps this invitation is for you to feel more comfortable in your own company, or to feel more trusting of your own inner judgements. a shift within always yields growth without, so know that you head inward with the intent of blossoming anew once you return.

cancer & cancer rising

strength / the revolutionary

in times of systemic change, deep fear arises surrounding the stances we must take and the shifts we will ultimately create in our sources of support. it’s true that when we take the future into our progressive hands and we take a stand for what we believe in, some will feel challenged or even betrayed. for an individual to embody the revolution they seek to create, it’s important to be transparently connected with our deepest instincts and sacral urges. take time this month to listen to your inner lion and take in all she has to say. the collective causes you champion will undoubtedly be connected to the needs you carry and the truths you’ve witnessed. know them through and through so that the stance you take, and the shifts you create, are true to the life you seek to lead.


profection year reflections: pt. 3
