the Pisces lymph realm
Pisces rules the lymph within our bodies, moving fluid that processes foreign bodies and illness and maintains immunity and wellness. with a Pisces stellium in the third, I experience emotions that very quickly become information immediately imprinted within my body, so that even long after the emotions have come and gone, you can run your fingers along the etchings that remain. part of this Pisces stellium includes a very burdened Mercury that rules my sixth house, containing Hygeia and Chiron, and anxiety becomes part of the emotional experience that echoes long after the triggers and stressors have resolved.
my lymph has given me a lifetime of contention, with nodes flaring up in real or perceived danger (biological, emotional, whatever) and never fully giving up the ghost when the coast is clear. as a result, I can never tell if I should be concerned with the mysteries that linger within me. I’ve spent decades now chasing possibilities and adopting precautions as the only known method of defense. I’ve explored practices outside of the suggestions of Western medicine, like acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and massages geared toward lymphatic drainage. while none have fully relieved me of this particular buildup, I have found that my weekly bath routine, preceded by a full body brush, has helped me keep things minimally activated and gives me a chance to create a ritual out of maintaining my physical wellness.
in my lymph brush practice, I offer a spontaneous prayer to my body as I make my way up my body with the dry brush, thanking it for all that it has supported me through, for all it has helped me endure and enjoy. I timed this week’s bath with Venus’ day at her degree of exaltation, and I recorded the prayer that I offered to my body as an offering to you as well. give it a listen if you feel so compelled, and let me know in the comments about any practices you engage in that help you maintain your physical wellness.